Wednesday, March 31, 2010

23 Things: Comedy show

I am crossing things off of my list left and right! I guess that's a good thing. So this past Monday my friend Tristen and myself went to a comedy show, my first! The comedian we went to see is actually a political commenter and radio host named, Karel. I've been listening to him on the radio for about a month or two and was interested to see his live show. So at the last minute I purchased two tickets and we hopped on the BART train and it dropped us off about two blocks from the hotel where the show was.

I was expecting a sort of indie, underground type of club sitting in a small hotel. That wasn't at all what The Rrazz Room in Hotel Nikko was. It was plush, rich, had a Starbucks inside, and was filled with business people over the age of 40. We were most definitely the youngest people there by an average of 15 years. We first checked in and then were seated on the left side of the room in an booth seat in the upper corner with a tiny round table in front of us. It was kind of nice because no one could block our view of the stage. The waitress then came around and told us there was a two drink minimum. I went sober route and just got Diet Coke, because nothing else really sounded good and it was cheaper at $4 a glass than a $12 martini that has a much higher chance of tasting watered down and poorly mixed. Plus Diet Coke = 0 calories!

The show started around 8pm and was hilarious! He covered a range of topics from Bravo! TV programing, health care, pot legalization, Republicans, gays and technology. There were a few times I almost couldn't come up for air I was laughing so hard. Tristen seemed to enjoy herself too. I'm glad she did because she doesn't listen to Karel on the radio the way I do so I am glad she enjoyed the show. We were the youngest there, although 15 minutes into Karel's act, a boy came and sat down next to me. He had to be in his early to mid twenties and was cute, alone and at a liberal comedy show. Right up my alley. I wish I had a bit more confidence because I should have said something to him.

The show was only supposed to be 90 minutes but it lasted until a bit after 10pm and ended with Karel leading a group sing-a-long with legalize pot song he wrote to the theme of The Beatles' Come Together. After the show we went back to BART and went home. It was a great first comedy show experience and I would love to start going to more. It's really fun to go some place knowing you are going there to just to laugh and smile the whole time.

Monday, March 15, 2010

23 Things: Clubbing

Sorry for the super crappy iPhone picture. I meant to take pictures earlier in the evening but time just got away from us. So last Friday me and Tristen went up to Sacramento to join some friends to go clubbing. This was my first time ever going to a club and the picture I had painted in my head about clubs and how they operate, was that of a stereotypical Hollywood movie where there are long lines and the bouncer only lets the pretty skinny girls in. Well there was a long line and I learned you can buy your way up in line, but other than the appearance, it felt like a completely different place.

The club was called UltraLounge and it was right next to the capitol building in Sacramento. One of the first things I noticed was how gorgeous the club was. It was swank and fancy. The outside patio had a huge fire pit and these covered lounge areas. The dance floor was crowded and the DJ was really good. It was this little blonde girl who, if you were to pass on the street, you would never guess she could spin. Another thing I noticed was the average age of everyone there had to be in the late twenties. There were some old people there.

We mostly just danced together as a group off to the side of the floor, then everyone with the exception of myself would want to retreat to the patio for drinks and a cigarette. I would just sip off of their drinks and talk with them until we were already to go and dance some more. I think it was the fact that we were in a group and we all stuck together, that made the time really fun!

I think that was the thing I was afraid of most, too. That I would be ditched or feel left out because I didn't fit in. I would have never gone to a club or a bar a year or two ago but I just keep thinking how I can't put my life on hold until all the circumstances are perfect, because they'll never be perfect! That is why I am really glad I have this 23 new things under 23 list. I hope that it nudge me out of my comfort zone and force me to do somethings I normally wouldn't.