Photo by Me |
Irony is life's funny way of bitting you in the ass.
So today my father, the king of sabotage, said "Hey Megan, can you go and get me an In-N-Out burger? I have money so you can buy yourself one, too." Or something to that effect.
In-N-Out is my favorite. Hamburgers are my favorite. And free money is my favorite. Naturally there is only one way the Jack Russell Terrier-shaped food part of my brain knows how decode my father's above statement. "Hamburger! Fries! Now! Go!"
So I changed into pants that wouldn't make me look like an escaped mental patient, put on a bra, gathered my dog and jumped in the car.
Naturally there was a line at the drive-thru, so I had a moment or two to ponder what I would order and review the damage it could inflict on my days points using my iPhone WW app. (PS if you have an iPhone and DON'T use the WW app... You need to review your life choices up to this point. True story.)
Usually I go with the hamburger with lettuce and pickles only. Keeps me happy and it could only be lower in points if I got it "protein style" (no bun). But this time I was thinking about getting a cheeseburger, just to have that "animal style" combination of cheese, grilled, onions, pickles and spread. The spread like crack to me. It's just the right amount of tangy and once I start, I need cold-turkey rehab to quit. The though of that yummy spread and cheese combo settled it. Daily points be damned! I was getting a cheeseburger AND fries!
That is when I felt the sharp teeth of irony sink in.
I'm a car away from ordering when I glance up into my rearview mirror and see none other than my WW leader in the car behind me.
She was a sign, my guardian angel. I could practically see the soft, glowing halo that surround her as she picked something out of her teeth in the sun visor mirror.
When I got to the box to order, I ordered my usual. "A hamburger with lettuce and pickles only. No fries."
It was delicious and satisfying. Partially because of how proud I was of my self-control, but mostly because of the meat and bun.
I call this situation ironic, because of the amount of times I have wrestled with it before (WW leader not included) and done the opposite. The irony of fate as it were. I throw away reservation only to be greeted with the face I will have to report to when the result of my lack of inhibition is determined on Wednesday, aka weigh day.
And overall, it isn't like I couldn't get a cheeseburger and fries. I still have my extra 49 points for the week. It was just a nice reminder to see her there, someone who has succeeded, in the same situation I was in and how with the right choices I can continue be successful.
I'm curious how she'll react when I tell her on Wednesday.